- 000 01750nam2 2200337 4500
- 010 __ |a 978-7-300-10532-1 |d CNY48.00
- 100 __ |a 20100708d2009 km y0chiy0120 ea
- 200 1_ |a 20世纪中国的社会学本土化 |A 20 shi ji zhong guo de she hui xue ben tu hua |d =Indigenization of Chinese Sociology in the 20th Century |e 英文 |f 郑杭生,王万俊著 |F zheng hang sheng,wang wan jun zhu |g 陆益龙译 |G lu yi long yi
- 210 __ |a 北京 |c 中国人民大学出版社 |d 2009
- 330 __ |a 本书主要内容:Sociological indigenization is discussed systematically from the perspectives of history and theory in this book.The authors retrospect and review the history of socio logical indigenization in nearly 100 years in China and other places in the world, discuss the process and signifi-cance of Chinalization of sociology and Internationaliza-tion of Chinese sociology,and dispaiy the basic law of sociological discipline construction and development which the process of sociological indigenization implies. This book will help readers know more about the historyof Chinese sociology and world sociology3 and their interrelationship.
- 333 __ |a 本书主要适合对文学探索和社会学感兴趣的广大人士阅读。
- 606 0_ |a 社会学 |A she hui xue |x 研究 |y 中国 |x 英文
- 701 _0 |a 郑杭生 |A zheng hang sheng |4 著
- 701 _0 |a 王万俊 |A wang wan jun |4 著
- 702 _0 |a 陆益龙 |A lu yi long |4 译
- 801 _0 |a CN |b 安徽省导航图书有限公司 |c 20100708
- 905 __ |a ASTU |d C91/122
- 915 __ |b 1303333-4 |d C91 |e 122 |f 2